Birthday party themes to help the environment

Looking after the environment by putting on eco-friendly events is getting much easier each year, especially as more people and companies are coming on board with green solutions.

If you are looking to stay away from the typical birthday party celebrations, you could look to invite friends to join you to celebrate your birthday in some alternative and unique ways.

Here are some ideas for some eco friendly parties – and of course we would love to help you arrange them 😉

1. Help the environment with a planting party

Instead of bringing a gift, each guest brings a plant which you plant together together in the garden. If you have don’t have a garden, try approaching a local park for permission to plant there.

A lovely activity for adults and kids whilst contributing to the environment. Such a great way to mark your birthday and you get the enjoyment as you watch the plants grow throughout the years to follow!

You could make it an annual event and watch your different sized plants grow throughout the years. 

Have a planting party to help the environment

2. Help clean up your local area and the environment

You probably haven’t heard of this one, going “nurdle” hunting at your local beach. A nurdle is a very small pellet of plastic, and these pieces of plastic are extremely damaging to the oceans. You can even make the hunt a competition to see who can collect the most.

If you don’t have a beach nearby you could pick up litter around a local lake or park.

We know litter picking doesn’t sound like a birthday activity but make it fun with personalised t-shirt’s and buckets (metal of course) which everyone can take home at the end of the event. Don’t forgot to provide everyone with gloves to protect their hands.

Clean up the beach to help the environment

3. Get away from it all and go on a hike!

Grap your bestie, strap on your backpack and take a day out just for yourselves, in nature. If your birthday falls in spring you could take part in The Big Garden Birdwatch where people note down birds and their location to help local wildlife groups understand nature trends in specific areas.

Get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air

4. Have a “potluck party” 

There’s no need to fuss around with fancy food, just ask everyone to bring a dish. You can even ask everyone to bring their own plates and cutlery if you don’t have enough, to avoid using disposables and save the environment. Once everyone has arrived with their dish, sit down, relax and enjoy the food and company.

5. Have a clothes swap party

I recently attended one of these as a guest, and whilst is wasn’t a birthday party, I think it would make a great birthday party event.

The concept is that every guest brings a couple of items of clothing which they want to swap. One guest acts as the auctioneer, quickly describing each item one by one, and the guests must shout out if they want a specific item. If more than one guest wants the item roll a dice to see the winner. Or you can let the birthday girl or boy choose.

This is such a fun way to grab some new items for your wardrobe, whilst also recycling clothing that you don’t want anymore. Add a birthday cake and some snacks to make an evening of it. No need for any gifts or party bags as everyone gets to go home with something.

Instead of buying new clothes, help the environment but swapping clothes with your friends

If you throw any of these parties we would love to see your photos!

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